Follow on Instagram HERE.

  • Read media coverage and learn about the method and creator HERE.

  • Quick versions of the rules HERE.

  • Longer versions HERE (in writing) and HERE (in video).

  • Rhetorical patterns to know HERE.

  • Translate it to real life HERE.

  • Facebook group rules HERE.

  • Intro to CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) HERE.


  • Because of the size of the group, posting is not always an option, and most posts are not approved. THIS DOESN’T MEAN THERE WAS ANYTHING WRONG WITH YOUR POST :) Just that we’ve already covered it extensively or it’s beyond the scope of the group.

  • Some posts have commenting enabled and some don’t, so if you can’t comment, it’s nothing personal---it just means the moderators turned commenting off for various reasons.

  • We ask new members to take some time to read the resources linked above. This is a teaching group built upon academic methods that require some reading to understand. We encourage community-building through dialogue, but we want the dialogue to be informed by the Method.

  • This project and this group are politically liberal in orientation. It is founded upon Feminist principles.

  • The group is non-monetized and non-promoted, and the creator is not compensated for her work or her intellectual labor. She is not a “dating coach,” and she does not take on individual clients. Burned Haystack™ is a grass-roots, community-supported endeavor. We are happy you’re here :)